Family Letter 10-31-2014

Dear Family,

In many ways, it has been a quiet week. Elder and Sister Barnes left on Sunday to work on and attend the funeral of Elder Barnes' brother. So while they were gone all of the rest of us collectively have been trying to make sure all things worked out. And they did (tender mercy). Actually, the number of visitors has been down this week. It is amazing what a difference it makes if one of the states is having some kind of break (fall break, UEA, etc.). When that happens our number of visitors from that state dramatically increases.

I think I have failed to acknowledge how often we get answers to prayers, quick, little things but nevertheless answers. An example. Wednesday was transfer day and we always take a picture of all of the battalion missionaries. Sister Barnes always makes sure there is a fresh battery available for the camera. But I didn't know where she kept it. And the battery on the camera was dead. So I was a little panicked. Then a prayer and shortly (almost immediately) I found the recharged battery, so we could take the picture. They are often so small and in the big picture insignificant but it happens regularly and needs to be acknowledged and thanks given. Another one, with the Barnes out of town there were only 2 senior couples available to handle Tuesday visitors (the sisters' Pday.) That could have been disastrous but the number of the visitors and their timing showing up made all of it work very well. I am grateful.

Today is Aunt Mary Jane's 51st birthday. Baby girl has put on a few years (which makes older brother, older.) Maxwell turned 20 this week. Nana got to speak to him for a moment which was a treat.

As I indicated earlier it was transfer week. 6 sisters that had been full pros came back to the battalion and 6 went out into the field full time. That causes quite a few changes, some accepted readily and others with some tears; but it is all good. We also got one new sister, Sister Lopez, a real sweet sister, Spanish speaking from Salt Lake.

I watched "Joseph Smith :Prophet of the Restoration this week. If you haven't seen it for a while you should watch it. It is currently on Netflix. I love watching it and Emma. They both give me a better appreciation of what those two went through.

This weekend is the Mexican holiday of Day of the Dead which apparently is a big thing and made very public in Old Town. We are told that it doesn't really increase our numbers at MBHS but it really does for the number of people coming to Old Town, so I assume that parking lot duty will be one of the things I do. We are having some Family History consultants come and offering that service to our guests on Saturday and Sunday.

We love your communications and pictures. Keep them up. Hope this finds you all well.

Love, Mom and Dad


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