March 28th Letter

Dear Family, 

I guess if there were a word that describes this week it would be
"change". But change is good and offers opportunities for growth and
development. So let me outline some of the changes that we have

The Bements who were one of the missionary couples that were here
when we came have finished their mission. They are a very sweet and gentle
couple and were a great addition to the MBHS. They served for 18 months and
will return home to somewhere near Salt Lake City.

We got a new senior couple to take the Bements place. They are the
Robinsons. They come from Midway but are really Californians. He was the
city manager for Roseville for a number of years. It took Mom and me about
2 weeks to feel comfortable to give the tour but he jumped right in the
first day. He said that was the best way for him to learn the dialogue.

We had a "farewell" for 6 of the sisters that have been serving here
(for Cassie's benefit they were Sisters Patterson, Rex, Contreras, Tucker,
Mulipola, Benfield.) They have been a big part of Battalion life and will
be missed. They each spoke, then sang a group number. A little counsel
from Elder and Sister Barnes and then some refreshments.

Our schedule is changing. The Church has suggested that there were
too many couples at the Battalion so the one couple that has been
temporarily assigned there now is going to do something different so there
will just be 3 couples and the directors. Our revised schedule is:

Sunday: 12 to 5 MBHS
Monday: 3 to 9 MBHS
Tuesday: 9 to 5 MBHS
Wednesday: 9 to 3 MBHS
Thursday: P Day
Friday: 3 to 9 MBHS
Saturday 10 to 2 Temple Visitor Center

I have learned something interesting about Mom this week. I have
always known that she liked to shop, but sometimes I forget how intense she
is about that. But a part of that experience for her is finding new stores
with great deals. And so when we have a little free time she is off in the
car finding new treasure places. It's not that she buys a lot of things but
that she discovers lots of things. She found a COSTCO yesterday that opens
at 7 and has some things that the other Costco's don't have and she has been
like a kid in the candy store. In fact I think we are going there today so
that I can "share" in her find. (We actually went and it was nice but I was
wore out after our 20-minute shop).

Last night they asked her to make the refreshments for the farewell.
We had eclair squares and fudge bars and everyone seemed to enjoy them,
because there were very few left.

Famous People this week? Well none really but Richard Marriott who
is one of the 2 Marriott sons that own Marriott Hotels, etc came in. He is
really good friends with the Barnes so they had a nice time together. They
even took him on a tour.

I check on Instagram and Facebook about everyday to see what you
have posted so it makes you seem close to us. We love you all and hope all
is well.

Love, Mom and Dad


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