April 17th

Dear Family,

You all recognized that I didn’t write last week; there was just too much going on for which we were extremely grateful. Having Ric and Tami and family here from Sunday night and then Spencer and Megan and family joining on Wednesday night, and then being surprised by Eden and Cassie on Thursday it just made one for big party. We were wall to wall beds in the evening on the floors but what a fun time for cousins. I know it cramped the adults some but thanks for enduring. Here is just a few of the venues that were visited and enjoyed (not everyone visited every venue): The beach (and some surf lessons), celebrating Soren’s third birthday, two different golf courses, Balboa Park, The Midway, pirate ships, Legoland, Zoo Safari park, San Diego Padres baseball game, Sunset Cliffs viewing the sunset, LaJolla Cove and the sea lions, San Diego temple, and several restaurants. While Mom and I didn’t make all of those venues we tried to get to many of them. Katie and Brandon joined us at the beach one day and Erin Pratt joined us for dinner later than evening and Heath and Rebekah Westfall and family were with us one evening for a while. And it was just fun to have everyone around. So thanks for your efforts in coming and being with us. Ric and Tami and family left on Saturday, and the rest left on Sunday. I will confess that after we have been a little tired but our refresh rate is fairly quick.

We really enjoyed Conference although because of our shift schedule we were only able to actually see part of the sessions. The wonders of technology have made it possible to quickly catch up, however.

My heavily entrenched family of Apple lovers will all collectively groan to hear that Dad bought a windows phone and actually really enjoys it. Technology is a marvel but it can also be vexing. An example. We were having trouble with the video presentation in one of the rooms. After lots of back and forth it was concluded that we needed to upgrade the computer that ran that room. So the appropriate hardware was sent to us and installed. Now we have an issue because the film and the sound are not correlated so they are a little off. Turns out that the new computer is more powerful and processes a little differently so to get things back in sync the software programmers are going to have to make some changes. Another example, we have been having issues with our picture printer (the one that prints your photo at the end of the tour). We found out that the ribbon that it uses connects by a chip and some of the ribbons we have had bad chips. Well, to get to that conclusion we went through (temporarily) 3 printers and several boxes of ribbons and paper. But everything is working fine now. And the hassle is worth it because of the finished product. Rus will probably say that if we were using Apple gear none of this would happen, but just remember that the guy who designed this remarkable system and experience is that same Rus. So how come we don’t have Apple components? Anyway enough of my technology soapbox. (It is easy to stand on a soapbox when you don’t really know anything).

We are back to some routine. Tuesday was sisters’ P-day so senior couples did the tours. None of them were large but they were steady all day. Really quite enjoyable.

That’s the news from San Diego. Hope this finds you well and happy and safe. We love you all.

Mom and Dad


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