May 17th Letter

Dear Family,

I didn't get this written on Thursday; no particular reason, except I just forgot. But I might be so I could begin this letter with a description of a typical day in the life of a missionary. So I will use today.

We got up early as usual (I am definitely in a rut in that regard)!! I read and studied and then went to get ready. After showering I decided to get my dress clothes on because we have duty at the Temple Visitor center today. After I was ready I got my tennis shoes on and Mom and I went for our walk. After the walk, she dropped me off at the MBHS so I could do some work on the computer there and she went shopping. After we were both finished we went home for final prep before the temple and we were off. We just made it in time but as I was pulling the car into the parking spot I hit the curb just wrong and, you guessed it, it put a hole in the sidewall of the tire. Well, this was our first flat tire with this car that we needed to take care of so there was the learning curve on where the jack, etc were and how to get them out. We finally got that leaned and everything out and in place, for me to put on the spare only to find out that with the wheels that are on it it takes a special tool to get the lug nuts off and someone has taken Jamie's tool at some point. That's when we praised Aunt Pat's name because of her influence we have AAA coverage so we called them and they hauled the car to the tire store to get it fixed. (Mom went with the truck.) It took a new tire because this one was ruined. They didn't have one in stock so they put the spare on and will replace it on Monday. Somewhere in all of this, I noticed that I had not changed shoes so I still had my white tennis shoes on. Now how is that for a typical day?

Sunday was Mother's Day and Mom wanted a Tamale from one of the Old Town restaurants that "make the best tamales ever." So after our temple VC shift, we stopped by to get Tamales and an enchilada for me. We attended sacrament meeting and then went to our shift at MBHS. After we came home and had our previous bought Mexican food. Later two of the sisters came by to use our computers to skype home to their families. Of course, Mom fed them We very much enjoyed skyping with all of you and seeing your faces and hearing your voices. Thanks for taking the time.

Things at MBHS have been fairly quiet this week. Wednesday was transfer day so some of the sisters were transferred to full proselyting and some who had been there came back as well as us receiving three new sisters, all Spanish speakers. I sat in on part of the transfer meeting (the ask the senior couples to come which isn't hard for us because that is our shift anyway) and was surprised by my emotions as I heard the transfers and who would be leaving for a while. It is easy to get attached to these sweet sisters.

On our P-day Mom and I went to the temple to do initiatories. It was kind of weird at how quiet the temple was. I was the only patron there and there were barely three workers in the department of the temple. I learned that several had not come in because of the fires and then some who had come in had to leave because their neighborhoods were being evacuated. Other than something scary like that we really don't have any sense at all about the fires or their proximity.

The home button on my iPad has started giving me fits so I decided to take it to the apple store to see if it could be fixed. Well, wouldn't you know it but it didn't act up once while in the store. However, the tech there was very helpful and put some measures in place that I can use when it starts acting up again. Both Mom and I really enjoy our iPads. Yes, children, you read that right. For its purpose, it can't be beat. Now real computers and operating systems are another story. 

We hope this finds you all well. We are looking forward to Rus and Marin's visit this week. We love you all.

Mom and Dad


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