May 8th

Dear Family,

It seems like May is just going to be our major birthday month; Brock, Matthew, Tami, Rus, (now William), Tommy, Liv, and Michelle. And then we also have two anniversaries this month. And this doesn’t count Granddad Rasmussen’s birthday or Grandma Jesperson’s. We obviously as a family have many reasons to celebrate (and get together) (and eat), etc. Happy _________ to all of you.

This last week also included Cinco de Mayo which is a BIG thing in Old Town. We had spent quite a bit of time gearing up at MBHS for the anticipated crowds and so we were ready and will be ready in the future if our numbers climb; but it was pretty much a bust for MBHS. Our numbers did not increase at all so there was quite a bit of downtown even though we worked longer. Also, Elder Ballard spoke at CES fireside originating in San Diego and then spoke to the missionaries the next morning. Because of that senior couples were on duty Monday also. So with our increased time on Sunday, and then Monday and back to our regular schedule on Tuesday we spent quite a bit of time at MBHS this week.

When the Bement’s left (another senior couple) Mom inherited a couple of assignments that Sister Bement had been doing; namely getting the book ready for when Sisters leave and acknowledging birthdays. The book is a collection of sheets on each sister that describes why they came on a mission, their favorite scripture, and a special experience that they have had while here. Most of the heavy lifting was done by Sister Bement but there are still things Mom has to do. We are having the second set of sisters leave since we have been here so the books needed to be updated. Sister Harris and Sister Amendola are headed home next week and their “farewell” meeting was Thursday night. We also had our first birthday since Mom took over and so she made a cheesecake (the Sister’s request). For the “farewell” meeting Mom also made 3 kinds of cupcakes. She is fining that cooking at sea level is different from Utah and so there is experimentation that has to take place which means that there are samples that need to be continually tasted to see where we are in the process. As there is no one else here it falls my lot to have to do the taste testing. It is a tough job but someone has to do it.

I usually get out every Thursday to either hit some golf balls or play 9 holes. I really enjoy the opportunity and I don’t think Mom begrudges me one bit.

We try to go walking as often as we can. The stretch from Monday afternoon to Wednesday afternoon is pretty much tied up at MBHS but otherwise, we are fairly faithful. And with the hills around here it doesn’t matter which direction we go there is plenty of exercise involved.

This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day and it was gratifying to see the men stepping up to prepare the meal on Sunday. Thank you for continuing that tradition.

We are so excited that Matt and Cissy’s baby (William) is here and that things went fine for him and Cissy. For her sake, we are hoping that he is an easy baby. Speaking of that Adam or Michelle, how is Crew? Delightful or tough? Quiet or a crier? Also, we loved that Ry now knows how to say “hangabur” correctly. We loved seeing the past march forward to the present.

Well, that’s it for this week. Hope this finds you all well. We love you very much.

Mom and Dad


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