June 30, 2014

Dear Family,

It is always fun to have visitors so we really enjoyed the visits of Uncle Mark Jesperson and Uncle Ed and Aunt Carolyn. Uncle Mark was primarily here to help Becky and Jesse wrangle children as they visited a lot of the touristee places. But it was a tender mercy that he was here because he got to see on of his best friends, Larry Gittins, just before he died and was here to speak at his funeral. Heavenly Father knows where we are and what is happening!

We had a great time with Uncle Ed and Aunt Carolyn including Trolley Tour, eating at Seaport Village, a tour of MBHS, visiting Torrey Pines, and meeting at the temple. Here is a collage of those activities.

I got my last hepatitis shots so Mom is breathing much easier. She works really hard to keep me healthy.

Sundays have become very busy days at MBHS, mostly Mormon families that are on vacation or attending a family reunion. It provided some interesting dynamics. The last couple of weeks my job has been to monitor the parking lot so that we can have spaces for incoming guests. Part of that is to request each family that comes to move their car as soon as they have taken the tour. Most of the people are really good about doing that. But I am amazed at some, who should know better, who simply say they will do it as the enter the parking lot and then totally ignore their promise. Someday I am going to write on talk titled "The Complainers, the Moaners, the Hypocrites within the Church." I told Mom that and she has said that I won't except maybe to write it in the recesses of my mind. Sometimes what you would like to say and what you should appropriately say are not the same.

We have experienced another Transfer Day. We didn't lose any missionaries and received one new one. We now have three sister "Wong's" at the MBHS, spelled Wong, Wang, Huang. They are all Mandarin speaking along with Sister Wells. Here is a picture of all of us on Transfer Day.

On Saturday of this week, we got our mission president, Pres. Schmitt.


We have not met them this week but should be able to in the next week or so. Pres. Clayton was a wonderful man. We didn't get to know him that well but I found him to be very gentle and wanting to do what was right. I also had the impression that he had lots on his plate. I hope they will enjoy decompressing for the next month or so.

Mom and I spoke in sacrament meeting on Sunday. Our topic was "Accepting and Receiving Grace." Both of us stewed over it for quite some time as they gave us the assignment 30 days in advance. We are happy to have it behind us but both feel like we conveyed what we should.

Mom and I both worry a lot about Maxwell and the difficulties he is having. We are hoping that each of you would include him in your fasts this coming Fast Sunday. I certainly don't know the answers with this one. Agency, life's experiences, Heavenly Father's timing and vision all factor in here but anything we can do to promote healing will not go unnoticed. Thanks for all of the support you give each other daily anyway.

Well, it's about time to get ready to go to MBHS. Hope all is well with you and that you enjoy the upcoming holiday. We love you lots.

Mom and Dad


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