July 16th

Dear Family,

This will be a little early this week. One of the senior couples at MBHS went home to Arizona for a few days because their daughter was having open heart surgery tomorrow. Elder Barnes redistributed the workload so our P-day is today rather than tomorrow.

This has been a fairly slow week in terms of news so this letter will be short. Actually, the news that we most love to read about (including the pictures) the all about what you are doing. This is one of my favorite photos from this last week:

As you know we wear costumes each day at the MBHS, old-time western wear. The shirts are not that long so it is fairly difficult for me to keep my shirt tucked in. I don't like that but Mom has a particular pet peeve about it. I didn't realize how much until I noticed that she was remodeling one of my shirts. She found an old white shirt that someone had thrown away and cut it up so she could add 4 inches to my current shirt; 4 inches. I will let you be the judge as to whether this was overkill but she can probably tell from my expression what my verdict was. We have laughed several times about this and I am promised that there will be further remodeling done (or I am turning this one into a nightgown).

I hope all of you are aware that Rachel Helms got a collapsed lung and they discovered a hole that needed to be repaired. Because of that Aunt Mary Jane has posted several pictures on Facebook over the last week or so. I put them together and told her that I was grateful to get a family portrait finally. Be sure to keep her in your prayers.

I sent all of you a 1983 talk by Elder Maxwell that I hope you will find time to read and think about. It truly is deeply touching in its nature.

Ron and Laurie Saffell came to MBHS one evening when we were serving so we got to catch up on what was happening in their lives. It was fun to see them.

Well, that is about it. We love you all and hope all is well.

Love, Mom and Dad


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