May 1st

Dear Family,

The warm weather has arrived. The last few days have been in the 80’s and 90’s which is probably about as high as it gets but it has been wonderful. Even Mom has warmed up some.

Obviously, the big news of the week was Cassie and Mark’s engagement. They arrived here on Saturday and stayed until Tuesday morning. He and I had a visit Saturday night and he proposed on Sunday evening. They both appeared to be very happy and RELIEVED that it was all out in the open. Now obviously the wedding planning begins and you all know that it will be a little difficult for Mom to try and stay involved from this distance but I am sure she will figure out some way. We learned more about Mark while they were here and couldn’t be happier for Cassie. He is a good young man.

This big announcement was only followed in importance by Cassie’s graduation from college, Megan’s being able to walk with her, and Noah’s getting the Aaronic priesthood. It is the first time that we have truly MISSED being able to be with everyone for these biggies. Thank you all so much for rallying around and making each of them special for the people involved. Mark was so impressed with Megan’s dinner for Cassie’s graduation that he was sure it was catered by Café Rio. By the way, the many pictures that were posted were a great way for us to feel included so thank you for those postings.

The other big thing for me this week was Jorgen’s experience with Granddad. That has touched my heart many times as I have thought about it. I have made sure to have a copy of that with my mission journal.

This coming weekend is Cinco de Mayo and so we have been planning on how to gear up for the many people that are expected in Old Town. Apparently, in the past, we have gotten so many that we had to give reservation tickets out so people could take the tour. We have even marked out several different routes that we can take going and coming from the battalion because they say the traffic gets a little out of control as far as numbers and amount of time it takes to get anywhere. I guess we will be a lot smarter in a few days. Apparently, in anticipation of that big celebration, our numbers at MBHS have been down considerably. In fact, on Tuesday we had less than 100 visitors which is very unusual, in fact, the first time it has happened since we have been here I think.

Mom is worried about the lawn at home so anything you can do to help keep it looking good would be great. I have learned that she does all of the outside work, yes because she likes things to look beautiful but also because she just really enjoys being outside tending to growing things.

Lots of birthdays celebrated and to be celebrated in the next few days. Hope they are happy occasions for all. And this coming week hopefully will see the arrival of Matt and Cissy’s new baby. You are in our prayers Cissy, and ice cream 2 or 3 times a day is just right.

Well, obviously it was a slow news week as far as quantity of news items. We are doing well, happy to be doing the Lord’s work, and trying to appropriately represent him. We love you all.

Mom and Dad


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